
(Wikipediaより)ロビン・キャヌプ (Robin Canup) によるシミュレーション

2005年に発表されたロビン・キャヌプ (Robin Canup) によるシミュレーションによると、カロンは地球の月と同様に約45億年前に大衝突によって誕生したと考えられている(ジャイアント・インパクト説を参照)。










名前直径 (km)質量 (kg軌道傾斜角 ()※離心率軌道半長径 (km)公転周期(日)発見年
S/1978 P 1
1,212.0 ± 3.01.529 ×10210.00.019,571 ± 46.3871978
S/2012 P 1
10 – 25?~0?~0?42,000 ± 2,00020.2 ± 0.12012
S/2005 P 2
40?<5 ×10180.10 ± 0.330.002 ± 0.00248,675 ± 2124.856 ± 0.0012005
S/2011 P 1
13 – 34 or 14 – 40?~0?~0?59,000 ± 2,00032.1 ± 0.32011
S/2005 P 1
45?<5 ×10180.25 ± 0.110.005 ± 0.00164,780 ± 8838.207 ± 0.0012005

NEW SATELLITE OF (134340) PLUTO: S/2011 (134340) 1
M. R. Showalter, SETI Institute; and D. P. Hamilton, University of
Maryland — on behalf of a team that includes S. A. Stern (Southwest
Research Institute), H. A. Weaver (Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns
Hopkins University), and A. J. Steffl and L. A. Young (Southwest Research
Institute)) — report the discovery of a new satellite of Pluto. The object,
provisionally designated S/2011 (134340) 1, was detected in five separate
sets of images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/UVIS: two sets on
2011 June 28.6 UT, two on July 3.4, and one on July 18.92. The body is
visible in individual 8-minute exposures, and S/N > 5 when the five images
of each set are co-added. On June 28, the satellite was 2″.48 from the center
of Pluto in p.a. 335 deg; on July 3, it was 2″.01 from Pluto at p.a. 27 deg;
on July 18, it was 2″.035 from Pluto at p.a. 198.1 degrees. The satellite’s
magnitude is V = 26.1 +/- 0.3, making the object about 10 percent as bright
as Pluto II (Nix). The diameter depends on the assumed geometric albedo:
14 km if p_v = 0.35, or 40 km if p_v = 0.04. The motion is consistent with a
body traveling on a circular, equatorial orbit. The inferred mean motion is
11.2 +/- 0.1 degrees per day (P = 32.1 +/- 0.3 days), and the projected radial
distance from Pluto is 59000 +/- 2000 km, placing the satellite between the
orbits of Pluto II (Nix) and III (Hydra).

 Subsequent to the discovery of S/2011 (134340) 1 by Showalter et al.,

A. J. Steffl and S. A. Stern, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI); M. R.
Showalter, SETI Institute; H. A. Weaver, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns
Hopkins University; D. P. Hamilton, University of Maryland; and L. A. Young,
SwRI, report the probable detection of S/2011 (134340) 1 in archival Hubble
Space Telescope ACS/HRC images taken on 2006 Feb. 15. The object has a S/N
of 2.5-3.0 in each of four images and V = 26.0 +/- 0.3. It appears at a
distance of 2″.26 from Pluto at position angle 1.7 deg on 2006 Feb 15.63 UT
and at 2″.26 from Pluto in position angle 2.7 deg on 2006 Feb 15.69.




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